We are now seating at Landet having 5 very large beers and eating a very special chocolat cake and we are laughing a lot because we just finished the pitching of our business idea. (We were not like dogs with our tails between our legs, we were proud and confident! Like great dogs.) It was a great pitching, everybody was open to the way we presented our idea. We were very well prepared and had answers to all the questions. The 5 of us entered the room with this brightness surrounding us, we looked very good, we smelled good, we were very well dressed, and everybody in the juri board were surprised to see so much power of images. Emma was making a big effort not to mock the panel since she knew much more than them about business and economics. This panel of five people were all feeling the same about this amazing surprise we were about to share. They were so anxious to hear what we had to say. Then you could here Jonas' voice saying: From now i'm counting 10 min, you have 10 min to pitch your idea, good luck guys. Micke F. Cordero was breathless as Mariana touched his shoulder as approaching the table to start talking, she said - welcome ladys and gentlemans to this 10 min of serious business! Then Lorenzo steped in telling the story by asking them how many times they got bored in a train trip? How many times your mp3 run out of battery and you had nothing to do? Then Emma steped in saying how enjoyable it would be to have a chance to share interesting tips with the people around you? Then Sebastian jumped in saying - How many time did you see your self looking how beautiful this girls sitting in front of you was, and you weren't sure if she had something to tell you? (Lorenzo is thinking the same thing) Annica steped in saying this is our idea, to provide a tool of communication and information in the public transport. The trends are out there: Networkers, Twitting, the public being the content producers. Lorenzo explained the intranet concept and Emma ended up telling the number of users the competitors' out there in Europe have achieved, Annica explained how Metro was so happy and enthusiastic with this idea, and Mariana explain the amount of paper that would be saved by showing advertisements in this format. Sebastian told about all his doubts, and Emma explained that that's impossible to have a product that suits 100% of the populations, and Annica conclued that by this service we would have 40% of the train users using this service activly. Mariana showed how it could be developed by the future, and Lorenzo told about all the tv companies interested in having their TVs there... 10 minutes had already passed and I forgot to mention that we started our presentation by explaining all the process in simple words, explaining how we actually were such problem solvers, and how cool we are.
The audience were clapping us laudly and the business man were making us offers, then Mr.China started to cry because we actually had proved him that we could go around all the skepticism he had showed us. All of us started crying too cause we don't want to lose our favourite china-man, and M.F.Cordero too, our favourite.....well....but all these tears lasted no more than 5 seconds approximately since Landet was waiting for us.
We were drinking to comemorate a nice module ending up, and a great job we had all done, and we were off to a crazy night out!
Mr Tomas Seo could be seen as our enemy number one because he destroyed our first idea that we loved, with a simple: that's allready out there, and no, nobody would like to pay to old people smile, they can just grab a skype and talk to their grandkids... OK it was kind of frustrating that within 5 seconds he destroyed 4 days of hardcore thinking and brainstorming... anyway afterwards we appreciated it very much because is better to kill it at the very beggining then closer to the end of the module... so we must admit that this idea killer was very useful for us, and he was very "there for us" using twitter, i felt very cool to twitt live with him. Anyway we believe no matter how good our idea can be he will always have some leg to breack on it.... hopefully we'll rock and he will beg us to sale him our idea;) ihihih
4th November i had a workshop with Tomas Seo, more known in HYPERISLAND as the China man, guess why!
His lecture was very interested because he had exactly what it take to succed with a business idea, he killed, without closing his eyes, all the ideas we could come up with, making us question our own believes before stepping forward! So what i want to remember from this First when you want to pitch the idea for a group of venture capitalist, they will be whom you go to bed with, so you better be sure you love them, and you need to make them fall in love with YOU! So commit yourself, embrace your idea, shw some pation and proud of it.
BZ Business Plan 1.Executive summary (abstratct) .Clear language, this is so fitting in some portfolio's companies NOT BEGING!! .don't count on people reading more than the blurb to make a decision .grab attention without hard selling rhetoric, good solid, not tell about art (they don't fucking care) never to VC investers, venture are more keen to invest in business ideas (Mckenzie) .Venture have an area of expertize, hardware rather then software, biotech, cleantech, pharmacy, medical. .They just invest with stuff connected to their portfolio, they are more nitch based so they invest in related to their portfolios idea/concept
BACKGROUND .the setup .this is why you do this .what's your ah moment? (oh yeah!this is never heard before!! it's a great idea, there's a nitch need for this that wasn't before..) .why will this work?
YOUR TEAM .this is the reason you are the only one with this idea that should get the cash .what is your weakest competences, can you add it? .if you don't have the competence you need and you show it, they will not invest in you!(you can contratct some one to do what you can't do!!) .in intreviem you have to wanswer any question but what they are looking is the chemistry between us & them
FAMILY FRIENDS & FOOD .this is the team - this is the potential .they have to believe, trust & see your potential, if you know someone you can add so you look like you have stuff behind.
SHOW ME THE MONEY .where is the revenue? .who will buy what for how much? .how do you know that? .show that someone has bought at least one client to show that this is trustable! .if you want to talk about what you're going to sale, you have to tell about the clients, WITH NUMBERS! like: "2000 people bought this product for 1 kr, in the future we forecast a sale of 5000...." GIVE THEM SOME NUMBERS!
4Ps of Kotler (markting basics) Product Placement Price Promotion
MARKETING .how to reach the potential buyers? .how will this translate into sales?
they invest in people rather that in ideas!!!
COMPETITORS .don't write that you have no competitors because you do! .really disruptive business models rarely get capital, because it's so hard to predict if you have a very small marketing idea like: i've been showing this idea to a group of people and they really liked it . costumer base! "ESTIMATE YOUR MARKET"
there are business angels, that can invest in another way then venture, they will invest with other reasons because they already won some venture money.
futuristic institute and singulariy institue invest in inovation, VC don't!
Where are you in the value chain? if you have a basis and you know how to argument with the business guy, you have chances to succed!
VALUATION .you want to value based on what it will be worth .VC values what you are worth now .if it was your money would you invest? .so why don't you?
MARKET RESEARCH .believable statistics .macro trend report
ALIVE PROTOTYPE the only way to know if someone will pay
PREDICTIONS build a believable story, concrete numbersof future predictions - value of market size, NEVER write down a concrete number, like this will be the amoount of money we will make!
HOW TO CALCULATE A MARKET SIZE? compare with competitors numbers .start with an estimation of potencial users, but don't write that number down!-find something else to compare to
GROWTH PREDICTION so what are the facts? how much have you sold? .is there a trend in sales?
CASH FLOW PREDICITIONS .do some scenarios .you don't need to specify small posts but with that in mind try to be specif .add them as attachments and refer to them.
So you have a business plan, but beside that how do you attract investors? .what does a hot vc look for .think about what other people have done before, don't fall in doing the same again&again what already has been seen so many times
CAN YOU PROVIDE do you have earning potential? .IRR 50% (according to SVCA) (raw returning investment) .the potential of 10x the money they invested in 5 years i.e. .do you want to share this risk? .or are you just a gold digger? what does a VC look for in a potential mate? .solid business model
PATTENTS what you gonna do when they come to you .if you have no pattents what will happen when your competitors enter? .old companies may be slow but they are well funded when they decide to move
EXPANSION head line is your business plan
.where are you at this year? .how much staff do you need next year? .when will you expand in to other countries? .when will you expand into other products? they have to believe that when you grow you can handle it!
SCALABILITY .optimal fixed cost for first year is zero! .optimal fixed cost for second year is zero! .optimal fixed cost after break even should be lower then variable cost
MEME POTENTIAL (any idea is like a virus) .great ideas take 10 years to spread .good and free ideas spread eventually .silly ideas spread quikly then die
SERVER AND OPERATION COSTS PLATFORM rails, django, php, W, amazon webservices Less features - the necessary features to do the same, focus on getting clients
focus on sales staff .who will bring in the bacon
FAIL FAST WHAT'S NEW USP? .is it different? .is it cheaper .i it more efficient .that's new, show me
PROOF OF CONCEPT do i believe that this will work?
WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME? .if i can't see an angle for why you came to me specifcally is it then a deal for me?
WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH THE MONEY? .you want the money to do something specific .VC are used to know what things cost, don't try to take a cut for yourself
DO SCENARIOS .what if you don't get the money, how could you boostrap it? .why should you need mre just because you can? .do a worst case, what would that cost?
PRICING .what's the laternative to use your service? .how much does that cost?
The idea it is a service (perhaps SL could be one of the cients), something connected with public transports. there are people spending more than 1hour very bored in the train. there's no entretainment except for the mp3 player. we could provide a visual projection: with the news, advertizing (cultural news, museum offers), interactive part (twitter/wall), with a network - interact inside the train, by usind the intranet. when you get in the train you use your wi-fi telephone that can make you interact, you can post your interaction, your feeds. You can interact with girls (or boys), there's an exemple by the end of some news paper where people leave a comment such as "you were that girl in the red skirt, if you want to contact me...." We could have 2 cients, or more, i.e. SL and the swedish governament with advertizment to improve the quality of the travelling, both sides would wine, SL would invite more people to use the public transports, and the government would provide both citizens and visitors with a better quality of Stockholm living, making people informed and engaged. metrocould be a 3rd client, and we could pay SL to have our tvs. Samsung - we could make a deal with a TV company and they could invest, and have the opportunity to be seen. This is the best year for SL, they never had so many costumers before - here we can show numbers - the amont of people that is using their services, would be our users. *boring train/metro trips, such a big spend of time *People interact - making people interact more *Twitt - it's a trend - can contribute for a better communication *Content producer - the public *Network - amplify your network
SWOT strenghts , weakness, opportunity, threats 1.interacive, easy to implement, environmental friendly 2. mass / not personal, hard to shut down, not new, not for everyone yet 3.make it personal, SL is probably planning to implement this soon anyway we could be the first 4.not getting contrats, vandalism
it's for free, when you are with your phone, when you step into the metro you can do something with the network. We want to create a communication tool, and we are making a digital base?? Yes that's the trend and that can be a begining, like "we 4 here in the train 2 are going to a party, join us at stop T-centralen" or "Nordiska museu have tickets for 1/2 price if you enter before 11am"
Nothing is for everyone!! there will always be someone not happy environmental friendly - less magazine adv game- network - scores in the screen imagine you see an adv from fibes oh fibes, and then you can listen in your telephne the music one time. imagine if you have a game you can download once and play in the metro trip and your score can be showned at the screen.
after 10 days of business idea development we had a review mirror where we take 70 min to reflect upon what we have done so far, this is the result of the conversation:
How have you perceived the group working in relation to the defined Preject? We agree that we did a good job with the preject. There is some frustration in the group, not everyone are so excited about this module None is lacking of motivation, but we question ourselfs and our ideas. We trust eachother a lot and feel confident in the group as a team. we love our group, there's the trust.
What do you take with you as a personal success and learnings? what are you proud of / satisfied with? We don't see it as a failure that we have changed our idea, but rather that it will make the project stronger, it takes lot's of courage to quit on an pre stablished idea and go back for the scratch, so we see our atitut as corajeous. We uppdated Emma about what has happened this week. We applaude Mariana for her grace when we decided to discard the video and make a new presentation.
What has been good with the teamwork and what could have been better? We are very happy that we are open with eachother and not affraid to bring up things to discuss. We are happy with the tools for planning and strategie that we are using. We are a bit worried about the end product, but not with the team. We have made use of all the time we have had. even when we have been unsure about what to do we have made sure to be active and try to do something.
I appreciate when you... Emma for huge effort of working from home when sick. For her energy and commitment. Mariana for her grace and enthusiasm, energy and spirit. Her passion makes you want to come to school in the morning. Annica for beeing structured and perfect. For beeing ponctual and organized. Protecting the group like an umbrella. Sebastian for his ideas and hard work, his humor and energy. He is funny and have a good way of communication. Lorenzo for his commitment, for being here, he is very trust worthy. For all the work he puts in.
thanks to all the group for the passion, believe, commitment and energy you give into the group flow!!
123 go new brainstorming, destroying everything left behind
1-i get bothered in the trains: post its in the train new live pattern we are going to leave a marker good for marmaid after 9month people get a babe in the arms it is something thta can bring a girl to loreno this is me and you stering at the girls
the idea could be having a wall like in face book but in trains people could get a log in when buying the ticket, if you want to get the premium version you could download the news feed we see the page in the wall of trains and then you could have the news then the twitt part where you by intranet - wifi - can post messages, meet people have an increase in your network, get involved, talk share, then you could check the news, check the weater, and it would be sponsored by advertizment. it could be iimplemented all over europe, starting in stockholm it is environment friendly because it would get people involved amking them want to go by train better then go by car.
so the numbers we have to check out are the users of the metro per day, how many people would see the news, the publicity, etc
making the trip by train nicer, stop it from being boring!!!
ok, so yesterday we had a lecture with Tomas Seo, and he cleared out some points that made us question our ideas and preposition...
so now we are starting the day with a meeting to know if we shall keel our idea and chose another one, or what are we gonna do?
the feedback from yesterday's lecture was it's all about money, the idea is not that important, it can be a very bad idea but if it has market it will sell.
we have to give numbers, forecast and money numbers, and users and how many people would buy it, etc market size, all this kind research.
I have been now sick for 2 days and feel bad for not being there, but I have such a fantastic team that they keep me updated and cheer me up!
I am now researching about one of my favorite things, older people. I am finding a lot of tech created to make their lifes easier and safer but not much about entertainment and still nothing for what s most important their families and friends!!Ill keep reading see if I found enough info about what is out there already!
One thought: Trying to make their life happier and closer to the ones they love makes me happy while working!
we want to go to the hospital /heldery home and film the people and the old people, we want to use moby music porcelain,
we want to make it very simple, because the technology already existes, we just have to make it suitable to our grand parents to use!that means fuckinh simple.
like bambuser and skype but it has to be inviseble, the concept of login and user cannot existe, juts start &stop. they can watch and speak but without asking is just already there!
try to reach you grandson, evertything should be like a guide line, very easy TOUCHSCREEN
we could use a remote control with a very simple button like play on/off
the action that they want to perform, we don't have to call anything t the buttons just the name of the action like: video, see mariana or something like that
we could have one loggin to everything like addium
we watch some dragons Den to get some insoiration about pitshing ideas and how to develop them.
we have to take in consideration how the elders think!!!
we should never forget this is not something for us, we have to know how elders think!!!
elder and hospital home
*RESEARCH about elders think *something to watch, perhaps to hear, to record their own voice and send
*researchnon what they want from our
shall the device have some videos, shall it be possible to add people like face book?
could we make it addapted to 55 or 80 years and so you can suit the application according to the age?
we should not count just on the age because there ar 60years peopls that look older then 80..
imagine if you give IPHONE to a 70years old person... try it!
how do they control the service?the remote control is a very good idea, voice?
at the beginning of the day, we realized as our colegues started to present their idea, that our perception of the idea pitching was not according to the reality we were suppose to face in a couple of hours. We have created during the weekend a presentation based on a movie where we were too focus on the ideas and how rather then the way we wanted to presented them. So one hour before the presentation, in between some bits in our lunch we created a keynote presentation with much less text and more images. We gave our selfs some stress time, but byt the end of the presentation we had been given cool complements regarding the power we've put in the preject, and how cool our group dynamics sounded like.
So by the end it was pretty cool but kind of stressy, but we hadle it smoothly;)
we shared our ideas with others group´s members to know what they think about it and to get some inputs, having a different view over the ideas, and share feelings
here we are at hyper island, in deep and devoted meeting to come up with as many ideas as we can, and then narrow down to 3 in order to deliver a presentation by monday and get some feedback from the module leaders and mangers.
Learning a process from start to finnish. And the desired outcome is to learn even more about this. It is yet a bit unclear about what we are going to do in the module.
We want to make a blog for the project and group process.
We will start at 9.00 in the morning unless we decide to change that later in the process.
We want to be be professional and have an open communication.
We want to get and give continuos and instant feedback.
We are going to have check-ins every day.
We want to step out of our normal roles and try new things.