Monday, November 9, 2009


We are now seating at Landet having 5 very large beers and eating a very special chocolat cake and we are laughing a lot because we just finished the pitching of our business idea.
(We were not like dogs with our tails between our legs, we were proud and confident! Like great dogs.)
It was a great pitching, everybody was open to the way we presented our idea. We were very well prepared and had answers to all the questions. The 5 of us entered the room with this brightness surrounding us, we looked very good, we smelled good, we were very well dressed, and everybody in the juri board were surprised to see so much power of images.
Emma was making a big effort not to mock the panel since she knew much more than them about business and economics. This panel of five people were all feeling the same about this amazing surprise we were about to share. They were so anxious to hear what we had to say. Then you could here Jonas' voice saying: From now i'm counting 10 min, you have 10 min to pitch your idea, good luck guys. Micke F. Cordero was breathless as Mariana touched his shoulder as approaching the table to start talking, she said
- welcome ladys and gentlemans to this 10 min of serious business!
Then Lorenzo steped in telling the story by asking them how many times they got bored in a train trip? How many times your mp3 run out of battery and you had nothing to do? Then Emma steped in saying how enjoyable it would be to have a chance to share interesting tips with the people around you? Then Sebastian jumped in saying - How many time did you see your self looking how beautiful this girls sitting in front of you was, and you weren't sure if she had something to tell you? (Lorenzo is thinking the same thing)
Annica steped in saying this is our idea, to provide a tool of communication and information in the public transport. The trends are out there: Networkers, Twitting, the public being the content producers. Lorenzo explained the intranet concept and Emma ended up telling the number of users the competitors' out there in Europe have achieved, Annica explained how Metro was so happy and enthusiastic with this idea, and Mariana explain the amount of paper that would be saved by showing advertisements in this format. Sebastian told about all his doubts, and Emma explained that that's impossible to have a product that suits 100% of the populations, and Annica conclued that by this service we would have 40% of the train users using this service activly. Mariana showed how it could be developed by the future, and Lorenzo told about all the tv companies interested in having their TVs there...
10 minutes had already passed and I forgot to mention that we started our presentation by explaining all the process in simple words, explaining how we actually were such problem solvers, and how cool we are.

The audience were clapping us laudly and the business man were making us offers, then Mr.China started to cry because we actually had proved him that we could go around all the skepticism he had showed us. All of us started crying too cause we don't want to lose our favourite china-man, and M.F.Cordero too, our favourite.....well....but all these tears lasted no more than 5 seconds approximately since Landet was waiting for us.

We were drinking to comemorate a nice module ending up, and a great job we had all done, and we were off to a crazy night out!

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