Monday, November 2, 2009

session with mick cordero

at the beginning of the day, we realized as our colegues started to present their idea, that our perception of the idea pitching was not according to the reality we were suppose to face in a couple of hours.
We have created during the weekend a presentation based on a movie where we were too focus on the ideas and how rather then the way we wanted to presented them.
So one hour before the presentation, in between some bits in our lunch we created a keynote presentation with much less text and more images. We gave our selfs some stress time, but byt the end of the presentation we had been given cool complements regarding the power we've put in the preject, and how cool our group dynamics sounded like.

So by the end it was pretty cool but kind of stressy, but we hadle it smoothly;)

well done team!!!
keep up the spirit!


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